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Do I need to be musically gifted to play these instruments?

May 05, 2024

Trust us, anyone can play our instruments! Anyone can create beautiful original music with our instruments. Anyone can surprise and impress those who play our instruments. Anyone can have great fun and express themselves while playing our instruments. If you are like me and don't like music, learning to play guitar or piano is out of the question. But everyone loves music and appreciates the effort and soul that goes into creating their own music. We believe that music should be accessible to everyone. No knowledge of music, tonality or scales is required, just a willingness to try. It has never been easier to make music that sounds good. Why? The fundamental reason is the use of the pentatonic scale. The pentatonic scale consists of five notes that are present in almost all forms of music in the world and contains almost no conflicting or dissonant notes. In other words, you can play almost any pentatonic scale note in almost any combination and they will sound great together.

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